Project with EU grants that we have created
“Generation of the train routes realistic visualisation for the professional railway simulators”
The aim of the project is to develop a unique in the world technology for the procedural generation of 3D visualisation of railway routes for train drivers’ training simulators. The developed technology will maximally automate the generation of 3D models of train paths based on available geoinformation data. Prepared technology will be optimized to the expectations of companies training train drivers on train simulators and at the same time can be used by manufacturers of simulation railway games. It will contain a set of research proven features and functions, which will help companies to create realistic training scenarios, and companies creating games will develop emotionally engaging and immersive gameplay as a driver-player.
The project is developed using European Union funds from the European Regional Development Fund within Operational Programme Smart Growdth 2014-2020. Project budget: 4,394,475.00 PLN – EU funding: 3,185,345.00 PLN.
„Promotion of Traffic AI-supported SIMTERACT products on foreign markets”
This project aims to raise awareness of the Brand and Product in English-speaking and associated markets (second language speakers). The project is to result in the sale of TrafficAI-supported product licenses and implementations. These sales are to be global and expand beyond the most influential and opinion-forming target markets such as the United States of America (USA). The project is to result in an increase in employment in the company as well as raise funds through sales in order to finance work on the development of TrafficAI-related products addressing a much broader spectrum of functionalities. The indirect result will be to develop the current title using TrafficAI, which will be promoted on foreign markets through paid extension packages (DLC). Both aims are to translate into an increase in the number of product units sold globally.
The project implemented by Simteract S.A. is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme: Intelligent Development, Priority Axis: Support for innovation in enterprises; Measure: Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises; Sub-measure: Support for SMEs in the promotion of product brands – Go to Brand. Project value PLN 420,051.98, of which PLN 315,038.98 is co-financed.
“CGS – City Games Simulation”
The aim of the R&D project (CGS – City Games Simulation) is to develop an innovative module of city environment simulation that considers car traffic, development and response of virtual society, balance of roads network, and their influence on gameplay for the game development industry.
The project is developed with Leonardo Fund funding which operates within Operational Programme Smart Growth (BRIdge Alfa Programme), EU funding: 800,000.00 PLN
“Simteract‘s products promotion on abroad industry markets.”
The project aims to promote the company’s products in international markets to increase IT/ICT client’s awareness of the Polish Brands, and to increase sales and employment. The main target market are English speaking clients – we are focusing on the USA where we plan to promote our brands by taking part in international industry expos.
The goal of the project is the creation of the Brand and the Product over English speaking markets and markets that are connected (using English as a second language to their native one).
Current requests for proposal
Archive requests for proposal
Pracownik Badawczy – Deweloper Assetów
2020-10-15 do 2020-11-16
Pracownik Badawczy – Administrator DevOps
2020-09-11 do 2020-10-12
Pracownik Badawczy – Programista Silnika
2020-09-11 do 2020-10-12
Pracownik Badawczy – Programista/Architekt UX/UI
2020-09-11 do 2020-10-12
Pracownik Badawczy – Deweloper Assetów
2020-09-11 do 2020-10-12
Pracownik Badawczy – Programista algorytmów proceduralnych generowania otoczenia i krajobrazu
2020-09-11 do 2020-10-12
21.07.2017 – 28-07-2017
Dostawa 5 szt. systemu operacyjnego oraz 6 szt. oprogramowania zabezpieczającego typu firewall i antywirus. Więcej szczegółów »
21.07.2017 – 28-07-2017
Dostawa pięciu stacji roboczych o wysokich parametrach wydajnościowych – czterech stacjonarnych i jednej mobilnej. Więcej szczegółów »
21.07.2017 – 28-07-2017
Zestaw sieciowy. Więcej szczegółów » – 28-07-2017
Zestaw sieciowy. Więcej szczegółów »
02.08.2017 – 09-08-2017
Dostawa jednej mobilnej stacji roboczej o wysokich parametrach wydajnościowych. Więcej szczegółów »
02.08.2017 – 09-08-2017
Dostawa czterech stacjonarnych stacji roboczych o wysokich parametrach wydajnościowych. Więcej szczegółów »
03.08.2017 – 17-08-2017
Przystępując do realizacji projektu “Simteract – Inteligentny System Ruchu Drogowego na Potrzeby Symulatorów i Gier Wideo” – projekt realizowany przez Simteract Sp. z o.o. ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia 2014-2020 Osi priorytetowej I: Przedsiębiorcza Polska Wschodnia Działania 1.1 Platformy startowe dla nowych pomysłów Poddziałania 1.1.2 Rozwój startupów w Polsce Wschodniej, spółka Simteract Sp. z o.o. zgłasza zapytanie ofertowe na przedstawioną poniżej usługę programistyczną. Przedmiot zamówienia stanowi usługa programistyczna w ramach powierzonych obowiązków Senior Developera/Team Leadera zespołu programującego w językach C++/Rust, w których realizowany będzie system w ramach projektu. Lokalizacja projektu: Rzeszów. Więcej szczegółów »